Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How to motivate staff teams

Motivation is the means by certain employees of the needs and aspirations to be met in order to arouse their enthusiasm, their initiative and spontaneous play to their potential, contribute to the organization to ensure the organization achieve its goals.

For leaders to understand the behavior of employees is not easy. Predict their latest plans for the reaction of leadership is even more difficult. But the leaders can adopt an effective incentive to improve the skills of staff commitment and performance.

Incentive is encouraging individual efforts to maintain the behavior guidelines and the driving force. All the acts are generated by the incentive. Highly motivated people to work hard to achieve performance goals, if coupled with adequate ability and to work to fully understand, there will be an excellent performance.

When employees need to stimulate the signal shown

Some ideas to help leaders inspire motivate employees into constructive behavior. Staff performance is not high, often because staff do not have the incentive to work or caused by a lack of enthusiasm. Staff need incentives, are all traceable.

Staff need to stimulate the signal
Extra effort when needed to show non-cooperation
Do not want to do extra work automatically
Late, leave early or absenteeism, but no satisfactory explanation
Lunch time lengthened as much as possible to avoid work
Work can not be completed on time
Can not meet the required standards
Often complain about trivial trivia
Blame others when things go wrong to do the work
Refused to obey instructions

At different stages of development to the staff to implement a different style of leadership. In fact, the use of incentive approach is very targeted. Low but the high capacity of staff will coach-like approach can take training; treat high capacity and low staff will then need an appropriate means to improve work incentives will increase motivation.

What is the driving force? Usually defined as a method to promote the power of people to do something. People always have an incentive to do those things in their favor. Incentive motivation is a core issue.

Employees are driven by demand, the demand for different people is different. What are the needs of what may be the work force. For example: Some people may for the money, some people work for a stable, and some to gain skills, some to a sense of achievement, there are some people to work challenging.

Therefore, the demand is not as likely to affect motivation, a leader in order to enhance employee motivation, it must be the specific needs of staff to judge, and this is the first development of the diagnosis.

Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation
1. Intrinsic motivation
The so-called intrinsic motivation is the driving force within the self, in the pursuit of goals manifested itself during the willpower.
Some very strong achievement motivation, to do things always unsuccessful rest until, indicating that the internal driving force of these people is very strong.
Intrinsic motivation is often driven by external influences, such as: pay, promotion, appreciation and so on.

2. External power
The so-called external force is the leadership style and methods of influence on subordinates.
鈼?Positive incentives
If a recognized leader constantly subordinates, care subsidiary, then the force will strengthen the work of subordinates, as is motivation.
鈼?negative incentives
If a leader leadership style and methods are not appropriate after the problem of shirking its responsibility to the subordinate body; if the leaders had never asked their staff to work, and never care about the needs of employees, it will undermine the motivation of staff, said negative incentives.

Leaders often overlook this point, no matter how you approach the form, how leadership behavior, actually affects the motivation of employees, in this sense, the leader's own behavior to influence the work of subordinate motivation and state.

3. Internal dynamics and external dynamic interactions
Internal power and external power is only consistent with each other from time to positive incentives. External incentives affect the internal driving force employees to work. But any incentive to only the external environment and internal objectives fit individuals, the incentive to produce. If employees wish to be able to work to earn more money, and give him spiritual encouragement does not improve the work force, only giving money to meet the demand, power can rise; if employees need is at work in the sense of identity , then the good performance when the leader does not get recognized, would undermine the work of subordinate power.

In this sense, leaders must understand the needs of subordinates, according to the demand to enhance the motivation of subordinates.

In the excitation process, determine the needs of individual motivation; there will be enough motivation to strive for goals; only reach the target in order to meet the needs of individuals to obtain the relative satisfaction.

To meet certain requirements, based on birth in this new demand, they began a new round of incentives loop. Demand will never be satisfied, leaders can use these factors, the repeated stimulation and motivation.

Have seen before an investigation, said the demand for senior managers of their arrangement, first, a sense of accomplishment, then money, then the other; senior managers feel that the needs of mid-level managers of their arrangement, first, money, then a sense of achievement, then the other.

However, their demand for mid-level managers and senior management arrangement is the same, first feeling of accomplishment, then the money. But in the minds of middle managers, senior managers and floor staff, as are the first is money, followed by sense of accomplishment and others.

The bottom of the staff of their needs, in fact, senior managers are not much different, the same focus on their development and achievement, also mistakenly believe that the highest demand for money management.

聽聽聽 杩欐牱寰幆涓嬫潵,閫犳垚浜嗛潪甯稿ぇ鐨勮鍖?寰堝鏄撴妸鎵?湁鐨勯棶棰樿交鏄撶殑褰掑拵鍒伴噾閽遍棶棰樹笂鏉?浣嗘槸,鎴愭湰闇?骞宠 ,鍐典笖涓嶆槸鎵?湁鐨勪汉鍦ㄨ揪鍒颁簡姝e父鐨勮柂璧勬爣鍑嗗悗,閮借繕閭d箞鍦ㄤ箮閽便?纭?鍔犺柂鐨勫箙搴﹀拰娆℃暟鏈夐檺,棰戠箒鐨勫姞钖悓鏍蜂細閫犳垚璁稿涓嶈壇鐨勫奖鍝?

In addition to mandatory salary increases, there are many more effective incentive methods, such as performance bonuses, and a variety of subsidies to improve the working environment, equipment, improvements, etc., can achieve very good results.

聽聽聽 鍙﹀,涓嶈鍚濆暚浜庡じ濂栧憳宸ワ紝瀵逛粬璇磋阿璋㈡劅璋粬鐨勫姫鍔涳紝榧撳姳浠栵紝鍦ㄥ叾浠栧憳宸ラ潰鍓嶈禐鎵粬锛岃惤瀹炲埌瀛楅潰鐨勬劅璋俊锛岃繃鑺傜殑鏃跺?瀵逛粬鐨勫浜鸿〃绀烘劅璋紝鍦ㄥ叕鍛婃澘涓婂紶璐磋偗瀹氱殑璇勮淇★紝閫氳繃鐢佃瘽鎴朎MAIL琛ㄦ壃锛岃禒閫佺邯蹇靛搧绛夈?


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