Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Optional memory must answer three questions

With Microsoft Windows Vista beta release, we found that the machine's memory began to get nervous again. The interface is extremely beautiful operating system, but also a memory eating monster, in order to feel good to her, the only thing we can do is hard to increase the memory! Fortunately, memory prices declined largely Recently, it is not so that this desire to become luxury. But I found many friends in the purchase of memory, when there are a lot of confusion, the following is the most common of the three classic problems:

Capacity, how much was enough?

Difficult to answer this question, because it is unique and individual. 512MB memory is enough? I think many also use the 256MB memory of people, certainly without hesitation the answer is "definitely enough." But when when you use CAD software mapping; create 3D scenes using MAYA; with Photoshop when dealing with large size pictures; in DOOM3 when the fierce battle; songs, games, QQ, visit the website at the same time, the 512MB of memory are also afraid stretched to a frequently called virtual memory. For multimedia, pictures, and 3D animation production and processing, even 1GB of memory is not enough.

Therefore, the memory capacity is always the more the better, but for most ordinary users, 256MB is sufficient to meet the current daily use (Internet, Office software applications, play audio and video as well as simple image processing) has, 512MB, then you can make you more鎵撳紑鍑犱釜IE娴忚鍣ㄧ殑绐楀彛锛屾湁楂樼搴旂敤闇?眰鐨勭敤鎴峰彲浠ヨ?铏戞洿楂樼殑鍐呭瓨瀹归噺銆?br />


銆??绗旇?寤鸿锛屽浜庢柊璐満鐨勭敤鎴凤紝涓嶅繀璺熼殢娼祦鏉ラ?鎷╅珮棰戝唴瀛橈紝鑰屽簲璇ユ寜鐓у綋鍓嶇郴缁?涓绘澘)鏀寔鐨勫唴瀛樿鏍兼潵鎼厤閫夋嫨銆傚儚DDR2瑙勬牸鐨勫唴瀛橈紝闄ら潪浣犳槸閲囩敤涓嶪ntel945/955绯诲垪绾у埆鐩稿悓鐨勪富鏉匡紝鍚﹀垯骞朵笉鑳芥敮鎸丏DR2 667杩欎釜楂橀鐨勫唴瀛樻潯銆傚綋鐒讹紝鍦ㄤ环鏍肩浉宸笉澶х殑鎯呭喌涓嬶紝鍙敖閲忛?鎷╅珮棰戠殑鍐呭瓨锛屽洜涓轰竴鑸潵璇村叾閲囩敤鐨勯绮掑搧璐ㄦ洿濂斤紝鏈夊埄浜庡唴瀛樺伐浣滅殑鏃跺?鏇寸ǔ瀹氾紝鑰屼笉鏄负浜嗚秴棰戙?瀵逛簬鍗囩骇鐨勭敤鎴凤紝鏂版棫鍐呭瓨鍦ㄤ竴璧峰伐浣滄椂锛岀郴缁熺殑鍐呭瓨鎬ц兘鏄敱褰撲腑鎬ц兘鏈?綆鐨勫唴瀛樿?瀹氱殑锛屽洜姝ゆ坊鍔犳洿楂橀鐜囩殑鍐呭瓨鏃犵枒澶ф潗灏忕敤锛岀函灞炴氮璐广?


銆??闄や簡鍝佺墝鍜屼环鏍煎锛屽緢澶氱敤鎴锋渶鐪嬮噸鐨勫氨鏄唴瀛樻潯鐨勬?鑳戒簡锛屽緢澶氫汉鍦ㄨ喘涔颁箣鍓嶆洿鏄壘鏉浠藉獟浣撶殑璇勬祴鎶ュ憡鏉ョ爺绌跺姣旓紝鎵惧嚭閭d釜浜у搧鏈?揩銆傜瑪鑰呴渶瑕佹寚鍑虹殑鏄紝涓嶅悓鍝佺墝鐨勬?鑳藉洜鍏禨PD涓缃殑鏃堕挓鍛ㄦ湡銆佸欢鏃跺?绛夌殑涓嶅悓锛屾?鑳界‘瀹炰細鏈夊井灏忕殑宸窛銆備絾鏄紝闄ら潪鏄仛娴嬭瘯鐪嬭瘎娴嬫暟鎹紝鍚﹀垯鍦ㄥぇ閮ㄥ垎搴旂敤涓繖浜涙?鑳界殑宸窛鍑犱箮鍙互蹇界暐涓嶈銆?br />
銆??鍙︿竴鏂归潰锛屽悓涓?搧鐗岀敱浜庡叾涓嶅悓鎵规鐨勪骇鍝侀噰鐢ㄧ殑鑺墖涓嶅悓锛屽SPD鐨勮缃篃鏈繀鐩稿悓锛岃嫢鏄湡瑕佽?铏戣繖鏂归潰鐨勬湅鍙嬶紝闄や簡鐪嬪搧鐗屽锛屽湪瀹為檯閫夎喘鏃朵篃涓嶈蹇樹簡鐪嬫竻杩欐柟闈㈢殑鍙傛暟锛岀劧鍚庝护浜洪仐鎲剧殑鏄紝鍦ㄥ唴瀛樹骇鍝佹爣绛炬垨鍖呰涓婃爣鍑鸿繖浜涚浉鍏冲弬鏁扮殑鍘傚晢骞朵笉澶氥?鍥犳鍦ㄥ唴瀛樻?鑳芥柟闈㈡垜浠篃灏辨棤闇?枻鏂よ杈冧簡銆?br />


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